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John Seely Brown

The web has just begun to have an impact on our lives. As fascinated as we are with it today, we’re still seeing it in its early forms… My belief is that not only will the web be as fundamental to society as electrification but that it will be subject to many of the same diffusion and absorption dynamics as that earlier medium.


Conflict is #Solvable

There are so many podcasts out there these days it can be hard to find the quality. As soon as I saw Malcolm Gladwell's name associated with the 'Solvable' podcast, I knew it would be a winner. As the description states

 Solvable showcases the world’s most inspiring thinkers proposing solutions to the world’s most daunting problems. The interviews, conducted by journalists like Malcolm Gladwell and Jacob Weisberg, acknowledge complexity while inciting hope that these problems are, in fact, solvable.

This interview features Jacob Weisberg talking to Victor Ochen about building peace in Africa through the African Youth Initiative Network. It's truly inspirational.

Listen to the Solvable podcast: Conflict is #Solvable

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