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My Digital Footprint

John Seely Brown

The web has just begun to have an impact on our lives. As fascinated as we are with it today, we’re still seeing it in its early forms… My belief is that not only will the web be as fundamental to society as electrification but that it will be subject to many of the same diffusion and absorption dynamics as that earlier medium.

Podcasts in my PLN

Digital Planet




EdTechTalk - EdTEchWeekly

EdTechTalk - Seedlings (Bit by Bit)

EdTechTalk - Teachers Teaching Teachers

EdTechTalk - 21st Century Learning


Leo Laporte - The Tech Guy

Middle School Matters

Moving at the Speed of Creativity

MacBreak Weekly

November Learning

NPR: Technology Podcast

PRI's The World: Technology

RU Connected

Teacher 2.0 (Clever Sheep) Rodd Lucier

Tech Chick Tips

Tech Talk Radio

The Reform Symposium

The Social Hour

The Virtual Staffroom

This Week in Google

This Week in Tech