Learning Commons / School Libraries re-visioned
Energising the school library to place learners at the centre of a space defined by the cultural and intellectual values of the school. The Learning Commons model envisages the library as a launching place for learning. A place that is not limited to the physical space but one that brings virtual and physical together into a learning landscape of sharing and exploring accessible to the community of learners.
The future of (school) libraries. Carol Koechlin and David Loertscher on Today's Schools - YouTube
School Learning Commons Knowledge Building Center
This Learning Commons website is a companion site to the second edition of the book: The New Learning Commons where Learner Win! by David V Loertscher, Carol Koechlin, Sandi Zwaan and Esther Rosenfeld. Learning Commons Press, 2011. Other resources can be found at LMCSource.com
Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada
Standards in details with support for implementation, examples, discussion. Chapter by chapter guide. Exceptional school library standards resource.
Canadian - Year of the Learning Commons
April 2015 to May 2016 was celebrated as the Year of the Learning Commons amongst Canadian school libraries. This site was built during that time and provides resources and experiences to support school library transformation.
Climbing to Excellence - Loertscher & Koechlin
Climbing to Excellence - defining characteristics of successful Learning Commons by David V Loertscher and Carol Koechlin. Published in School Library Assoc of Victoria journal, Synergy Vol 12, No 1, 2014. This article will define for the reader a new and exciting vision of school libraries.
"The learning commons serves school curriculum but also is known as a place for experimenting, playing, making, doing, thinking, collaborating, and growing."
Canadian School Libraries Leading Learning
This article by Carol Koechlin and Judith Sykes was publish in School Library Assoc of Victoria journal, Synergy Vol 12, No 2, 2014. It discusses the development of Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada launched May 2014.
"School library as learning commons is embraced by many districts and entire provinces in Canada. The Ontario School Library Association (OSLA) published Together for Learning in 2010. This document has been the catalyst for program and facility changes in Ontario and around the country."
Ontario School Library Assoc - Together for Learning
The T4L website provides a collaborative learning space to create, share, celebrate and lead best practice as schools realize the power of the Learning Commons. It includes the Together for Learning Vision Document developed by Ontario School Library Association with the support of the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat of the Government of Ontario's Ministry of Education.
Alberta Education, Canada - Learning Commons/School Libraries
The Learning Commons Policy and Learning Commons Guidelines, implemented September 2014, supports the principles and values of Inspiring Education, the Ministerial Order on Student Learning, and Curriculum Redesign and is aligned with the Government of Alberta Collaborative Library Policy (2013). Guidelines.
School Libraries shelve tradition to make new learning spaces
A British point of view on school libraries and appication of innovative ideas.
By the author of this website:
Elliott, C. (2011) Library Team 2.0: acting on a shared vision. Synergy, 9 (2). The transformation process of moving from traditional school library to Learning Commons.
Elliott, C. (2011) A Transformative vision of school library 2.0: defining the route. Synergy, 9 (1). Exploring a transformative vision, an exploration focused on individual motivation for change and the critical need for a reflective, innovative approach to library management.
Elliott, C. (2010) School Library to Learning Commons: Planning the journey. Synergy, 8 (2)The library as a presence throughout the whole school, not simply a physical building. Planning and teamwork.