On this site you will find:
- Digital tools & techniques for teachers & librarians
- New media & how to integrate it into today's learning
- Ideas for parents starting the education journey
This website, in its various iterations, has been an organic presence since 1995. Like a child, it's growing and maturing on the complex journey of change in education today.
About the Author
Camilla Elliott
The Internet as a communication medium provides a wonderful opportunity to have convenient access to our own library of references regardless of our location. It enables us to join communities worldwide, to enhance our knowledge and enrich our lives.
I am emloyed at Mazenod College, Mulgrave as Head of Library and eLearning Coordinator. A Year 7-12 boys' school in eastern metropolitan Melbourne, I have a rewarding position that combines the roles of technology integration of technology with tradition library practice as life becomes increasingly digital.
We face the challenges of all educators, in having to constantly review practices to ensure that technology application provides stimulating, challenging and relevant learning experiences for our students. My aim is to ensure technology and its application provides students with opportunities for stimulating and relevant in today's world. Children are learning in a different landscape in their life outside school – let us do what we can to combine their worlds and create a love a learning that moves seamlessly between home and school.
Bachelor of Arts (Library and Information Science)
Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary)
Masters of Applied Science (Teacher Librarian)
Certificate II Libraries (Multimedia Design)
Certificate of eLearning (Curriculum Corporation, Victoria)
Professional Committees & memberships:
SLAV (School Library Assoc of Victoria) – Chair of Professional Learning Committee, Editorial Committee member of professional journal ‘Synergy’ and 'FYI', Editor of SLAV blog Bright Ideas, SLAV Melbourne Eastern Metropolitan Branch – Co-convenor
IASL (International Assoc of School Libraries) - Member
ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) – Member
AASL (American Assoc of School Libraries) - Member
ICTEV (ICT in Education Victoria) – Member
Social network links (some):
Twitter @camillaelliott
Classroom 2.0
Teacher Librarian (Ning.com)
SLAV Melbourne Eastern Metropolitan Branch
Only Melbourne
My favourite place to discover what's on in and around Melbourne Metropolitan Area - arts, markets, events.